Hi, my name is
Doreyd Mehila
I'm a Full-Stack Web Developer.
Based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, I enjoy building great Interactive & Responsive Digital Platforms, Single Page Applications, WebApps and Websites.
Technical Skills
Full-Stack Developer
Lead the development and implementation of "Deep Score" a Machine Learning Neural Network feature to assist loan officers in assessing the risk profile of clients. Once the model trained and tuned, results were ranging from 79-83% accuracy, with an average false-positive rate of 5.5%. This feature was an add-on to the BI application. The model was built from scratch using Python and the hyper parameters were controlled by a User Interface built in ReactJS.
Technologies Used
JavaScript, CSS, NodeJS, Python, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, VScode, Git
Front-end Developer
Developed "Power Analytics" a front-end, highly customized & user friendly Business Intelligence Solution, in React/Redux . Power Analytics allows for real time data extraction, transformation and loading from different SQL and NoSQL databases sources, along with visualization, automatic charts, dashboard and report generation.
Technologies Used
JavaScript, CSS, React/Redux, SQL, MongoDB, Scalar Vector Graphics (SVG), VScode, Git
Great Responsive Design
Web Developer
Great Responsive Design
Developed and maintained responsive, performant, and robust code for client website primarily using HTML, CSS, Sass, JavaScript, React, NodeJS and jQuery. Provided domain registration and renewal, secure hosting on Google Cloud Platform, and on-demand Restful API development and deployment. Created databases User Interfaces for Cloud Storage, Duplication and Retrieval of data.
Technologies Used
JavaScript, CSS, React/Redux, NodeJS, NextJS, SQL, MongoDB, Scalar Vector Graphics (SVG), VScode, Git
Full-Stack Developer
Developed "ShipSmart", a Full-Stack Inventory Management System using React & NodeJS technology, for an Oil & Gas Gasket supplier company. The system is currently being used by all 3 warehouses the company owns and operates, and has resulted in much better inventory management and higher order accuracy. By automating the emailing of all the necessary Material Test Reports (MTR), Functional Test Reports (FTR), drawings and specifications for the products being shipped, ShipSmart also solved a recurring documentation mismatch problem the company had been facing until then.
Technologies Used
JavaScript, CSS, React/Redux, NodeJS, SQL, VScode, Git
Vector Plus Click to view
Click to view
Developed a versatile and easy to use Scalable Vector Graphic drawing application that uses vector curves and shapes to build and design objects going from simple icons to logos, and more complex illustrations. The advantage of these SVGs is that they can be edited and resized without limitation or loss of quality. The drawing tools allow you to easily create and edit shapes, with the help of an intuitive user interface. Once done, you can dowload your SVG creation with one click. You can then use it anywhere you want.
Technologies Used
JavaScript, CSS, NodeJS, NextJS, Scalar Vector Graphics (SVG), VScode, Git
Mongo Juice Click to view
Click to view
Developed a MongoDB Graphic User Interface that allows you to view all your databases, collections and documents, rename, delete or update any of them as well as adding new ones with ease. Mongo Juice allows the user to perform all CRUD operations on any NoSQL database by just clicking away.
Technologies Used
JavaScript, CSS, NextJS, MongoDB, VScode, Git
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